My Story

My name is Bri and I’m a certified life coach. It is my passion and purpose to empower women by helping them identify and achieve their goals so they can redefine their reality and get the most out of life. 

How did I become a life coach? In 2019 I was working behind the scenes on a popular television show. Burned out, exhausted and feeling bored with my almost 10-year career working behind the scenes in the entertainment industry, I knew that I was meant to use my natural gifts and abilities for more. I began praying and telling God that I wanted my life’s work to be about helping others and asked Him to lead me to what was next.

After months of praying and waiting, life coaching was put on my spirit. I genuinely love helping people and I’m passionate about personal development. My own life’s journey is relatable. I’ve set and achieved my own goals and lived through and overcome difficulties and tragedies. I have great people skills and most importantly, I’m the epitome of an ambitious girl. Anything I set my mind to, I achieve. Period. Knowing that about myself, I continued praying about it until I truly felt that God was moving me in that direction. I enrolled in a life coaching certification program which transformed my way of life and Ambitious Girl Coaching was birthed. The name of my life coaching practice was inspired by my favorite Wale song, “Ambitious Girl.” I have always been and will always be an ambitious girl. I’m so happy and excited to be living my purpose through Ambitious Girl Coaching. 

If you don’t know where you’re going you’ll probably end up somewhere else.